Sunday, October 6, 2013

A visit from John Herman

Last week John Herman came to our class to discuss his work and what it means to brand oneself through social and multimedia. If you don't know who John Herman, you should definitely check out his website (which is linked in the sentence before). The guy's done it all: he had his own web series, he's made films, he's written books and plays, he's worked with TV and radio, and he teaches. John has an incredibly inspiring story.

What really inspired me is his ability to see how to best use social media and how he just did what he wanted to do. Learning how to best use social media takes time, and that's something I plan on learning throughout my career as a journalist. But he wasn't afraid of failing at a project or messing something up. If he thought of an idea, he just went for it. He took risks. That's really what being an entrepreneur is all about, it seems like: learning what you love, and taking risks.

So for the past week I've been thinking about how I can learn more about social media and what I can do to take risks. I think I just have to use social media more and more. I frequently use Facebook and Instagram, but I need to connect with people on Twitter more. That means to actually tweet at people and ask questions instead of looking at tweets and calling it a day. I'll also have to experiment with social media that I'm not familiar with, like Storify, Vine, and anything else I come across. Finally, I'll have to blog more. I have a gaming blog that I love, but I have a hard time updating it on a regular basis. The more I post, the more chances people will see it and connect with me. If this doesn't work, I'll keep trying other things.

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