Sunday, November 3, 2013

Response to pitch comments

Before we edit and pitch our business ideas, we were asked to look at what our classmates said about we have so far. I was surprised about how everyone supported and liked my idea. As I've posted before, my idea is a video game news outlet that that reports on video game news and actually develops small games based off of big news stories. The idea is a stretch, but I guess a lot of people like it!

As for the strucutre of the pitch, my classmates had a lot of positive feedback to give. Mostly everyone said that the slides were very informative but text-heavy. When I revise my pitch the first thing I'll do take care of that. Now that I'm planning on actually presenting the idea, I'll save the words my actual spoken words. I'll also split up some slides into multiple slides to save space. A few people noted that the template for the pitch is kind of bland. As a video game news company, it would make sense that the presentation is fun and colorful. One response noted that I only talk about the video games at the beginning; I have to make sure that I'm running a news company that makes video games, not the other way around.

The structure of the pitch needs the most attention, but I also need to think about some aspects of the business itself. One person wanted to know how I would make people aware of my company, and another suggested that I change the amount of articles before a paywall is reached.

All in all, the comments were very helpful. I'm really glad that people like my idea, and it looks like the structure of the pitch itself only needs a little tweaking. The only thing I'm dreading is making sure I have enough to say when I talk to the class. Public speaking has never been my thing.

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