Monday, October 21, 2013

Creating a business pitch

Last week's reading talked about how to pitch business ideas. In writing it seems easy enough; I even wrote a post last week saying how creating a pitch was a lot like pitching a news story. We were told to create a powerpoint pitch for our idea, and I thought it would be a piece of cake. But sitting down to actually create a powerpoint presentation for your business idea is a lot harder than it seems.

For starters, I don't have any real budgeting information or investors, so I can't include that in my pitch. It felt awkward to not have such crucial information in my pitch, but then again it's just for practice. Then the technology didn't work. We were supposed to put the powerpoint on the blog and attach audio to it, but nothing was cooperating. Goes to show that technological mishaps can happen even during the most important moments.

The most challenging part was actually coming up with the best way to sell my idea to investors. I needed to find a way to make it sound new, desirable, and professional, while giving real details and goals. It was the first time I actually sat down to think about my business in such detail, and while it was tough, it was exciting at the same time. It actually sounds like it could be a real business.

If I can figure out how to put it online, I'll post the powerpoint as soon as I can.

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